Stay Home

Stay Home
Stay Home
Stay Home
Stay Home
Stay Home
Stay Home
Stay Home

Stay home is a graphic logbook, which I try to keep by putting my feelings into it during this quarantine. How I perceive it and there feel from day to day. By putting my own experiences and the feelings of people around me that I have on the phone or other social networks.
It is a very singular moment of life, which I think will mark and change our society. The apprehension of after is very important, even worrying. How will it be after confinement? A normal life ?
This is a summary of my 55 days .

My selection for what I feel is the strongest work in the category is Stay Home by Arnaud Laffond. There were a couple of factors that separated his work from Gehrig’s, namely conceptual experimentation and the ability to convey emotion. Any artwork created within the framework of response to the pandemic faces significant challenges with regard to creating something unlike the vast display of other artworks on the same topic. I found the duality of the meaning of a mask to be compelling as well as the dynamic way in which Laffond utilized negative space in the composition of each scene. There is a strong and palatable tension in the animation that speaks to the generalized anxiety of the current moment in a tangible way. Additionally, I felt as though the surreal nature of the animation, which can become cliche, worked within this context and particularly towards the notion of the passage of time. – Sharifa Moore

Festival selected:
Supernova Denver Digerati
International Limestone Coast Video Art Festival
404 Festival
IFF 2020
Simultan Festival
Rencontres International Paris / Berlin
Fest Anca
Fenster Projekt
Adaf Festival
VIVO Media Art
Fiber festival
Festival du court métrages d’Auch
Bruits Blancs
FIVA Festival Internacional de Videoarte

Music : “Reprisal”

(Rafael Irisarri)

© Edition Outer Worlds

Password: Stayhomelogbook